How can we make events more sustainable and eco-friendly? 

by Oxana Rudenko

Every time we see a bunch of printed online tickets after an event we wonder – why do people print them? We switched to digital tickets about 10 years ago to make it more accessible and convenient for everyone while hoping to save some trees at the same time. Is it just a habit that people still like to hold paper tickets in their hand? Or are they concerned that they won’t be able to open it on their smartphone because of a poor Internet connection? Maybe it’s the latter because sometimes mobile Internet leaves much to be desired. Although most plans have plenty of data these days. 

So, why not download the digital ticket at home beforehand and open it upon arrival at the event? It will save your time and… paper. Yes, can you imagine that two billion trees are cut down every day to make paper for global consumption?

So if we all try to make our events more eco-friendly, it will help to reduce waste at the event, and at least save a few hundred trees.

Sustainability in the events industry is becoming increasingly important nowadays, because people become more aware of the impact that events can have on the environment. 

But how can event planners change their approach to events to make them more eco-friendly and sustainable?

Here are some ways we offer:

  1. Reduce the usage of paper during your event. Encourage your participants to buy digital or NFT tickets. Use digital screens instead of paper posters. Of course, we can’t always avoid the use of paper. But we might be able to substitute with sustainable materials such as recycled paper or bamboo for signage and promotional materials.
  2. Reduce waste and plastic. For example, use reusable cups, plates and cutlery, and encourage guests to bring their own water bottles.tons of plastic bottle waste
  3. Choose eco-friendly venues. If you have this option, choose venues that have sustainable practices such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation, and waste reduction programs.
  4. Use eco-friendly event decor. “Green” decorations have become more and more popular in recent years. Green decorations can refer to a variety of items, including plants, sustainable materials, and recycled goods. For example, adding indoor plants to a room not only adds a pop of color but also helps to improve air quality and promote relaxation. Additionally, using sustainable materials like bamboo or cork for flooring, furniture, or home decor items is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials like wood or plastic.
  5. Implement sustainable transportation options: Find a venue that’s close and is easily accessible by public transportation. Encourage guests to use public transportation, bike or carpool to the event. Offer shuttle buses to reduce the number of cars on the road.
  6. Try to be in touch with local businesses. By using local services and vendors, you also get a chance to give back to the community. If you order locally-sourced and organic food and drinks for your event, it will definitely help to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. 
  7. Donate leftover food: Donate any leftover food to local food banks or shelters to reduce waste and support the community.

Sometimes it is very hard to follow all of these pieces of advice. But even small attempts to implement sustainable practices in your events will help the event industry reduce its impact on the environment and promote a more sustainable future.