I get it …2020 was bitter for a lot of people, and it wasn’t very sweet to my event management business either. We tried to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic a few different ways; but to be honest, those attempts were not nearly as successful as the in-person events pre-pandemic. After raising a little over $10,000 for Inclusion Advocacy SENB in December, I took a deep dive into what didn’t work and did some reflection on what could work.

Tight on time? Send me a quick email to set up a time for us to chat!

Hear our ad on Q103 FM February 22-March 3, 2021!


The Lemons

We thought this wouldn’t last more than a few months. We thought if we sanitized our hands often, stayed home and complied with public health directives, we would get through this with a little inconvenience. But, it’s been 11 months and we’re certainly not out of it globally, nor regionally. In fact, it’s expected the third wave will hit Atlantic Canada soon. I’ve heard several thought-leaders and scientists predict that this new normal would last 3-5 years!

We had zoom fatigue. Even though we were mostly grateful for having technology like zoom, Teams, and even social media during this pandemic; at the end of the day, those platforms were chaotic and it was just too much staring at a 16:9 box all day for work and then some.

image is of three human head icons with lines between to show connectionSo, what does that mean for us – for ourselves, our businesses, and even our associations and charities? It’s been reported that with much of the workforce at home, productivity has actually gone up! But, what happened to the culture? Many organizations are struggling to maintain it. What about our mental health? We still need to be human, even in a digital world. We still need to make real connections in our community and share remarkable experiences coming together to help others.

I went back to my buyer persona interviews from a couple of years ago and looked at what your goals were. You wanted more customers, clients, or prospects and you wanted a pleasant experience with good feedback from attendees. I’d love to have 30 minutes of your time to re-connect if we haven’t spoken in a while and see if your goals have changed. I’m willing to bet they would mostly still be the same. So, I did some searching and remained truly open to finding new solutions to the challenges of building trust, getting new clients and getting the word out. And I found some!

The Recipe

I’ve partnered with another great entrepreneur who shares the same vision and philosophy as I do. Together, the collaboration with Amber Effect Events and the team at Pragmatic Solutions has us poised to solve problems in the next normal! We have expertise in over 60 different tools and systems to help your organization thrive.

AMBER EFFECT EVENTS will continue to focus our amber light on our clients’ objectives in 2021. We partner with our clients to illuminate their goals and deliver a successful outcome. Our clients trust us to look after everything from budget and timeline preparation, to venue and supplier coordination, to theme design and tailoring the best guest experience with on-site execution – whether that site is in a physical building or online. New human-centric tools are available for networking, connecting and meeting online. We have the time, knowledge and resources to turn your vision into a shared experience which fosters community connection during those moments that matter.

Let our light be a beacon to attract people into your community.

Let’s have a drink!

Let’s schedule a discovery call real soon and make some lemonade! I’ve already got the recipe. Go on over to ambereffect.com/contact and we’ll get started right away!

To read more about our WHY, click here: How I Got to My WHY